jueves, 13 de octubre de 2016

Añadir colores a nuestros scripts

Añadir colores a nuestros scripts

Esta parte se la dedico a mi compañero Alberto que me enseñó a poner colores a mis scripts.

Cuando queremos colorear nuestra salida del script sólo tenemos que añadir lo siguiente:

 echo -e "\033[030m......May the force be with you.....\033[0m"

......May the force be with you.....

 echo -e "\033[032m......May the force be with you.....\033[0m"

......May the force be with you.....

echo -e "\033[031m......May the force be with you.....\033[0m"

......May the force be with you.....

 echo -e "\033[033m......May the force be with you.....\033[0m"

......May the force be with you.....

 echo -e "\033[034m......May the force be with you.....\033[0m"

......May the force be with you.....

 echo -e "\033[035m......May the force be with you.....\033[0m"

......May the force be with you.....

 echo -e "\033[036m......May the force be with you.....\033[0m"

......May the force be with you.....

Espero que os haya gustado!

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